The average house price on THORNVILLE CRESCENT is £298,875
The most expensive house in the street is 9 THORNVILLE CRESCENT with an estimated value of £419,527
The cheapest house in the street is 19 THORNVILLE CRESCENT with an estimated value of £200,251
The house which was most recently sold was 5 THORNVILLE CRESCENT, this sold on 30 Jun 2021 for £315,000
The postcode for THORNVILLE CRESCENT is LS6 1JH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 THORNVILLE CRESCENT Terraced , 112 m2 £340,473 £315,000 30 Jun 2021
7 THORNVILLE CRESCENT Terraced , 83 m2 £268,888 £205,300 3 Feb 2017
9 THORNVILLE CRESCENT Terraced , 92 m2 £419,527 £355,000 23 Oct 2020
11 THORNVILLE CRESCENT Terraced , 116 m2 £350,685 £172,750 11 May 2004
13 THORNVILLE CRESCENT Terraced , 102 m2 £291,878 £214,500 31 Mar 2016
17 THORNVILLE CRESCENT Terraced , 124 m2 £220,423 £41,000 31 Jan 1997
19 THORNVILLE CRESCENT Terraced , 92 m2 £200,251 £38,000 11 Apr 1997